Sunday, July 16, 2006

Newsweek's Cover Story

Last week, Newsweek's cover proclaimed "The New Greening of America." The featured article is worth reading.

Among many other things, it mentions a couple of new buildings being erected in New York City for the Hearst Corporation and Bank of America that have "sustainability" built in; FedEx's Oakland hub that has 80% of its power needs generated by solar panels; the wind turbine that is being built atop the Daley Center in Chicago; some of the steps being taken by Wal-Mart meet their goal of reducing their carbon footprint by 20%; how, if Wal-Mart meets their 20% goal, that it will show more companies that reducing your carbon footprint is wise move financially; how Circuit City justifies all of their initiatives in financial terms; that Duke Energy CEO Paul Anderson advocates controlling greenhouse gas emissions and that Anderson says other CEOs agree with him in private, but hide this feeling in public; and Ford's River Rouge plant.


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