Levi Strauss to Introduce 100% Organic Cotton Jeans
Levi Strauss & Co. will introduce 100% organic cotton jeans in this year's fall line. The line will be called Levi's (R) Eco and will be used in a number of already established Levi's styles, such as the Red Tab and Capital E lines.
You can find a list of a number of other retailers who offer clothing made with organic cotton on this page from the The Center for a New American Dream.
The page with the retailers also gives some of the reasons that its important to grow, use and purchase organic cotton and products made with organic cotton. For example, it's been estimated that 25% of the world's insecticides and 10% of the world's pesticides go into the production of cotton. In the U.S., the amount of pesticides used for for conventional cotton production was second only to the amount used for corn production (think, by the way, of how that will only increase if ethanol made with corn becomes the alternative fuel of choice!). The site has links to other good resources as well.
Another retailer not listed on that page that I'd like to mention is American Apparel. They use organic cotton for a number of their products and they manufacture all of their products in downtown Los Angeles.
I feel giving new parents clothing made with 100% organic cotton for their new baby is a great gift. Wearing fabrics made without insecticides and pesticides is certainly better for the baby.
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