Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ray Anderson Featured in NY Times

I'm a few days late on this - that is what a long post-graduation vacation will do - but I feel it is still worth posting. Anyone who has been following the sustainability or corporate social responsibility or whatever you want to call the movement for the past few years undoubtedly knows who Ray Anderson is, but for those who don't, this article is worth reading.

Mr. Anderson, the founder and former CEO of Interface, a carpet company, was one of the first business persons to realize the importance of sustainability and reducing the footprint of one's company. He wrote a book back in 1999 called "Mid-Course Correction: Toward a Sustainable Enterprise: The Interface Model" that highlighted how he came to feel so passionately about the subject and what he and Interface set out to do as a result.

In the Times article, Anderson makes an interesting point that we, as a nation, are taxed "on good things, like income and capital", yet not as much on "bad things, like energy use".

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