Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Murdoch on the 'Green' Bandwagon?

Rupert Murdoch's recent transition to someone who not only believes in global warming, but someone pushing the various companies in his business empire to become 'greener', came as a surprise to me. That information, found in this article from The Independent, is great news for the movement if, indeed, Murdoch is being genuine and not just looking for positive public relations. I certainly am not convinced at this point, but look forward to learning more about what Murdoch and his companies do as a result.

One ambitious goal is for News Corp. to attain carbon neutrality by 2010. Another move by Murdoch is to educate MySpace members about climate change.

Murdoch can have a great deal of positive influence in this movement, not only because of his empire's sheer size and the fact that he holds a great deal of media companies, but because his influence is global. His reach, besides holdings in the United States, spans into China and India. The three countries, as the article points out, are "the three most critical countries for tackling global warming."

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