Two For Wednesday - Kimberly-Clark and More Richard Branson
Here is an article about criticism Kimberly-Clark has received from environmentalists. The criticisms are:
1. They are not protecting ancient forests as they have promised - they are, instead, using wood from old-growth forests to make tissues and toilet paper.
2. They do not use enough recycled fiber.
3. They are "greenwashing".
Greenpeace has launched a campaign against Kimberly-Clark. Kimberly-Clark refutes the criticisms, of course, but apparently they been found to going against environmentally-responsible practices they claim to use.
Richard Branson is in the news again. Fresh off his pledge to give toward alternative energy research made at the Clinton Global Initiative, Branson has set forth a plan to cut aviation emissions by 25 percent. The steps he suggests will also help save the airlines money as well.
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