Sunday, September 03, 2006

Featured Company: PERFECTLY Natural Solutions Inc.

I was never one to obsess over my lawn like so many others. Of course, now I do not have my own lawn! So many people, though, do spend a lot of time and money on the upkeep of their lawns. Since the vast majority of people who do so use lawn care products full of chemicals and other unnatural ingredients, lawn care is a very harmful industry due to chemicals that are inhaled and ingested and due to these chemicals being added to the water supply.

That is why I want to highlight PERFECTLY Natural Solutions Inc. They sell lawn care products that are 100% natural or organic for the commerical and residential markets. There are a number of these companies popping up, but this one caught my attention (after I was notified of its existence by my mother-in-law, gardener extraordinaire, Ilene Sternberg) due to the positive results users apparently see (see the results of tests done at a number of universities here).

I think companies like this, who can make products that do not poison lawns, gardens, (and those tending to them) or the surrounding water supply, will find that the demand for their products continues to grow as more and more consumers realize how harmful traditional products can be.


At 16:37, Blogger Ilene Sternberg said...

Didn't you mean to say "mother-in-law extraordinaire"?


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