Some Catalogs to Switch to Certified Paper
Not surprisingly, the ridiculous amount of junk mail that I receive on a daily basis is frustrating to me. Thinking of how most of my daily mail is full of credit card offers I don't want, flyers for stores I have no interest in, and catalogs for other stores I have no intent on even considering, it is amazing to think of all the waste that this causes when you consider how many others are feeling the same frustration. Since I have recently learned of two organizations - GreenDimes and - I am strongly considering using one of their services. You basically pay a fee and they will work to significantly reduce, if not completely rid, your mailbox from unwanted junkmail.
Since most of us will still be dealing with junkmail, it comes as good news that Williams-Sonoma and Victoria's Secret will begin printing their catalogs on paper sourced from sustainably managed forests - paper that is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
This means that the Victoria's Secret catalogs and the catalogs put out by Williams-Sonoma, which includes Williams-Sonoma, Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Bed and Bath, Pottery Barn Kids, PBteen, West Elm and Williams-Sonoma Homa will be printed on this paper. While it would be better if they could better target those who actually want to receive these catalogs, this is a very positive step that others should follow.
Labels:, Forest Stewardshp Council, FSC, GreenDimes, junkmail, Victoria's Secret, Williams-Sonoma
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