ExxonMobil Paid to Mislead Public about Global Warming
It's a few days old, but worth knowing about if you haven't already read this. It certainly wasn't surprising to read that ExxonMobil gave money toward an effort to discredit the science behind global warming. It is, however, a disgrace. It made me think of a discussion I had a few days ago.
A friend mentioned the other day his desire to invest in some companies that are in the alternative energy field in some capacity. While he didn't question the reality of global warming (he is, afterall, educated and does not have a professional or religious bias or agenda clouding his judgment), his desire to invest increased after speaking with a couple of friends of his who work for the National Science Foundation. These scientists - I believe he said one was a climatologist and one was an oceanographer - are thoroughly convinced of the reality of global warming (they are scientists, after all, and despite working in the U.S. government during this current administration, they don't need to let politics blind the debate - at least at this after-hours gathering). I gave my friend my opinion that these types of investments are tough - many of these alternative energy companies will fail and it's uncertain which technology will ultimately play the biggest role as more and more alternative energy is used. I also told him that I felt that when more research has been done to find what appears to be the technology that will be the 'winner', ExxonMobil will use their considerable cash to get in the game and buy whatever companies and/or technology look to be the leader.
In the meantime, I guess they will continue their unethical war on sound science.
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