Disney to Link Marketing to Nutrition
Disney announced yesterday that they would not allow Disney characters to be used in marketing junk food. The guidelines will have a set amount of sugar, fat and calories that, if exceeded, will ensure that Disney does market those foods. This will take effect at the end of 2008, which is when their last contract with an unhealthy vendor expires.
Disney also announced that their themepark restaurants no longer default to french fries as a side order; instead, the default will be a healthier choice like a fruit or vegetable side.
This is a great move. With childhood obesity in this country at rates as high as they are, children certainly do not need to be influenced by characters they like to consume unhealthy foods. Hopefully others will follow Disney's lead in this.
This is great news. Though I think more responsiblity should be placed on the parents as well. Efforts should be made to educate parents on exactly what effects unhealthy food can have on their children. The general assumption is that children have high metalbolism rates and can eat anything - far from the truth. Hopefully consumer products goods companies and retailers will aid in this parent education - hopefully making it easier for parents to provide their children healthy options.
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