Honda's Civic GX
The Honda Civic GX runs on methane, a compressed natural gas. It is currently only available for retail sale in California and New York. It does offer benefits over traditional gasoline-powered cars:
- The methane burns much cleaner than gasoline.
- The natural gas is more fuel-efficient than gasoline ("slightly")
- It is less expensive to fuel the car - the EPA estimates the cost of natural gas is the equivalent of about 70 cents less than a gallon of gasoline
- Most of the natural gas we have here in the U.S. is from the U.S. - the rest is from Canada.
Some of the downsides listed in the article - there aren't currently many places where natural gas can be purchased; the tank is bigger than a traditional car's fuel tank, so the trunk space is smaller; the resale value won't match up to a Honda Civic Hybrid according to one expert; and the tank only has a range of 220 miles. Due to these downsides, the GX will most likely only be a government fleet vehicle (already seen) for now.
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